Have you ever tried to wish away your body hair? IPL treatments might be the magic you’re after. No more shaving, no more waxing, no more ingrowns…

What is IPL Hair Reduction?

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a revolutionary hair reduction technique that targets those pesky hair follicles with a burst of light energy. It's like giving those stubborn hairs a one-way ticket to oblivion (sorry, hairs, but we won't miss you!). 😉

How Does it Work?

During an IPL session, a specially designed device emits intense pulses of light onto the treatment area. This light is absorbed by the pigment in your hair follicles, damaging them and inhibiting their future growth. Rest assured, your skin remains unharmed in the process. It's a win-win situation!

The Perks of IPL Hair Reduction

  • Long-lasting and Cost-effective: IPL offers long-term hair reduction, so you can save your hard-earned money by bidding farewell to pricey razors and endless waxing appointments. Need we say more?

  • Painless and Convenient: No more waxing or razor burns! IPL hair reduction is virtually painless and can be done in the comfort of your own home or at a reputable salon. It's like a spa day for your skin.

  • Time-Saver Extraordinaire: Think of all the time you'll save when you no longer have to spend hours shaving, tweezing or waxing fighting with unwanted hair. More time for hobbies, self-care, or binge-watching your favourite shows on Netflix!

  • Bye-bye Ingrown Hairs: If you've ever experienced the horrors of ingrown hairs, we feel your pain. Luckily, IPL can help prevent those pesky bumps from ruining your smooth skin dreams. Time to show off that flawless canvas!

    Important Tips to Remember Before IPL

    1. Avoid Tanning: To ensure the best results, avoid sun exposure and tanning beds before your IPL session. We want that light energy to target the hair, not your sun-kissed skin.

    2. Shave Before Treatment: Don't worry, we're not asking for a full head-to-toe shave. You just need to make sure the treatment area is cleanly shaved before your IPL session. This allows the light to directly target the hair follicles while minimizing any discomfort.

    3. Be Patient: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your hair reduction journey. Multiple sessions will be required for optimal results, as hair goes through different growth cycles. But hey, good things come to those who wait, right?

    4. Reduction Goal is 80%: Results of IPL treatments for hair reduction can vary depending on several factors including skin tone, hair density, coarseness, colour, hormonal activity, and treatment schedule. Lighter hair or red-toned hair may require additional treatments. Darker areas (such as the labia) may be slower to respond and thereby require additional treatments.

    5. Maintenance Sessions are Required: Because hair is hormonally driven and our hormones change and shift as we age, it is important to return for a maintenance session every 6-12 months. 

Ready to Give IPL a Shot?

Whether you're tired of the daily shaving routine or just want the luxury of smooth, hair-free skin, IPL hair reduction could be your ticket to liberation. It's time to say hello to effortlessly flawless skin and bid farewell to unwanted hair forever!
So, what are you waiting for? Schedule that IPL session and embrace a life free from stubble. Consultations are QUICK and FREE. Please give us a call to book a consultation to see how we can help you. Trust us, your future silky-smooth self will thank you! 😊💁‍♀️


What You Need to Know Before Your IPL Consultation Appointment


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